Organizer: JARTS (President: JA5AFW)
Patron: CQ ham radio" Magazine"

We have the great pleasure to invite you to the 33th WW RTTY CONTEST conducted by the Japanese Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society, JARTS

QTC   ・There are some changes in contest rules compared with the previous ones (re. exchange, log submission address, queries address). Please read it carefully to follow the new rules.
Contest Period: 00:00 UTC Saturday, Oct. 19 thru 23:59 UTC Sunday, Oct.20 in 2024
* Every year, 3rd full weekend in Oct., starts 00:00 UTC Saturday, ends 23:59 UTC Sunday.
You can operate whole 48 hours.
Band: 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28MHz
* Existing Bandplans must be observed.
* Operation on international beacon frequencies is prohibited.
MODE: Baudot only
SOHP: Single Op, All Band, High Power (No Power Limit.)
SOLP: Single Op, All Band, Low Power (RF output is not greater than 100W.
MO: Multi Op, All Band, (permitted multi TX, No Power Limit.)
* There is no limitation to use any DX Cluster.

* Remote operation is permitted if the physical location of transmitters, receivers, and antennas are at one station location.
A remotely operated station must obey all station license, operator license, and category limitations.
* The Committee reserves the right to change the category of any entry (including Check Log) based on its examination of the log or other information.
Exchange: SOHP and SOLP: RST and Operator Age or 00 (zero zero).
MO: RST and Callsign Owner's Age or 00 (zero zero).
Club Station RST and 99
QSO Points: Two(2), QSO point for contact within your own continent.
Three(3), QSO point for contacts outside your own continent.
Multiplier: A) Each DXCC entity except JA/W/VE/VK(mainland).
B) Each call area of JA/W/VE/VK(mainland).
* Each multiplier is counted as a Multi-point only once a band.
* You can count your own entity or call area (JA,W,VE, and VK) as a Multi point.
* "CALL AREA" is the last number of the prefix.
  Examples: JA1, 7K1 are counted as JA1
      and JR4, 7L4 are counted as JA4.
* Each portable designator is counted as a Multi.
 Examples: JA2xxx/3, 7K2yyy/3 as JA3 and KH2/JH3uuu, JR5vvv/KH2 as KH2.
Scoring: (QSO points) x (sum of entities and call areas)

1st plaque to Top Winner in SOHP and SOLP in World and Japan.
1st thru 3rd place  Certificate to SOHP and SOLP in each continent and Japan.

1st thru 3rd place  Certificate to MO in World and Japan

*Stations competing for Awards should provide accurate frequencies in kHz for all contacts in the log. The Logs without frequencies is not considered for the awards, the plaque and certificate will be awarded to the runner-up in that category


Cabrillo logs are required. See specifications at http://jarts/Cabrillo_Spec.pdf
The Cabrillo log should be attached as a file.
The files must be named the participants callsign,  for example  JA1YCQ.cbr
Put the Callsign in the "Subject:" line of the email,  for example  JA1YCQ 
* Only an ASCII character can be used for the log. (Double byte character is not allowed.)

Submit log to

* Only Cabrillo type logs submitted as email attachments will be considered valid logs and will be subject to review.
Logs from the entities (prefixes) other than those granted by the "IARU" are considered as check logs.

Deadline: Logs must be received by October 31 2024 to qualify.
You can find your Callsign on Logs Received within three days after you submitted your log.
* When your callsign is shown on the Logs Receivedlist, this only means that we received your log and the log review has yet been done at this time.
* Logs submitted after the deadline are not eligible for awards.
* The log may be made open to the public. If an entrant is unwilling submit as a Check log only.
JUDGING : JARTS Contest Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries. Entrants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee.
Any questions:
Steering committee
Secretary General: JA1OVD